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     “Timeless Treasured Traditions”

The Foundation for the Yakima Valley Fair and Rodeo is pleased to announce our annual Decorated Theme Contest for the year 2024! This year will be a decorated wooden clock shape on which you will decorate it to show previous fair activities. Some examples would be people visiting, livestock sale, team pull, 4-H exhibits, vegetable/fruit exhibits, corn-on-the-cob, buffalo burgers, rodeo fun, etc. Judging will be based on how many activities are on the clock plus neatness and creativity. Cut out the identification paper below and tape it to the bottom of the base.  Thank you for your talent, time, and energy.

Name _______________________

Age _____   Division ___________

(Junior 5-10   Intermediate 11-17    Senior 18+)




The clock will be ready for pick-up at the Bank of Idaho location (2690 Yakima Valley Hwy. Sunnyside) anytime on April 9 until they are all taken. The bank‘s hours are 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. They are available on a first come, first served basis. Then decorate it anyway you want but please decorate it on both sides.  Each entry must promote the Yakima Valley Fair and Rodeo with the dates (August 7-10) and the theme (“Timeless Treasured Traditions”) by placing this information somewhere visible on the clock. You must bring your clock to the Jones Bldg. on August 5 or 6 between 10:00 and 2:00. Judging will be on August 7th at 9:00 am. 

The clocks will be used later at a dinner so you can pick up your clock on Monday, November 18, 2024 at the Bank of Idaho. First, second, and third place winners will be posted on August 7 at 6:00 in the Jones Bldg. Three prize winners in each division will be awarded:

1st Place   $150.00

2nd Place  $100.00

3rd Place    $75.00

One more thing—if you are looking to earn more money, an opportunity is available. If you complete your clock by June 28, 2024, you will receive $30.00! These will be placed in local businesses for advertisement of the fair. Please bring them to the Bank of Idaho location from 10:00 to 2:00. Again, please remember to tape the identification paper on the bottom of the statue. Thank you for your interest and good luck!        


  Questions? Call Jake at 509 840-3230

© 2035 by Yakima Valley Fair

& Rodeo with

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